The fight to stop the onslaught of High-Density Development (HDD) started in earnest in 2014 and was the catalyst for the election of Erik Peterson. Erik was successful in limiting the Beach Edinger Specific Plan in spite of effort by the Chamber of Commerce/Union backed candidates Mike Posey, Barbara Delgleize, Patrick Brenden and Billy O'Connell.
It took the unions and developers a few years to get their bearings and they were successful paying for candidates like Kim Carr, Dan Kalmick and Natalie Moser to get seats on City Council. These councilmen began paving the way for the high-density vultures to restart their plans to litter HB with unneeded stack and pack apartment buildings.
Along the way the city attorney wanted to sue the state to block the unfounded housing mandates, he was stopped by Kim Carr and colleagues Kalmick, Moser, Posey and Delgleize. It took the election in 2022 to allow the lawsuit to move forward.
HB is an anti-HDD town to its core. Any politician that chooses to support stack & pack housing here does so at their career’s peril. There is only one issue in HB that unites all the tribes and that is Sacramento’s forced housing mandates and the politicians who "sell their soul" at the expense of our quality of life.
With that in mind why is Tony Strickland flirting with approving the super dense, 5-story Bolsa Chica Senior Living Center planned for the corner of Warner and Bolsa Chica? This project was brought before HBCC on November 7th, it got so much outrage from citizens that Strickland and the developer punted it to the meeting right before Christmas where he knows very few will be watching.
The answer may lie in the Mayor’s Ball held recently.
It has been reported that Mayor Strickland handed out over 30 "Keys to the City" at the Mayor's Ball, just what are these handsome and expensive tokens?
The historical purpose of keys to the city was actually a rather practical one, that has a lot to do with how cities were constructed in the past. In medieval times major cities would naturally be fortified by walls for the people’s protection. When a visiting hero or dignitary came to the town, the people would make an elaborate ceremony, and also present them with a key. This had a multifaceted purpose. For major merchants, it was to be able to enter the city without having to pay a toll. For local heroes, it was a sign of respect. This medieval tradition is meant to confer trust and honor.
Today, a Key to the City is used to kiss up a local political figure OR someone who brings the politician more money and influence.
As of today we do not have the full list of key recipients, a few days ago we sent a public records request to receive the full list, this was the official response:
"The Mayor's Ball was not a City event, and the City had no involvement in it. Therefore, there are no records available in response to your request."
Convenient. But, we do know who 3 of the recipients were and it is very alarming.
Former mayor Dave Garofalo's history speaks for itself (convicted felon and disgraced former councilman). We understand that Garofalo is a regular presence at city hall, why?. Mr. Garofalo has been a continuous corrupt cancer in our town for over 2 decades.
Former POA Union Boss Yasha Nikitin was behind the campaigns of Kim Carr, Mike Posey and other corrupt candidates,...handing out cash to make sure these compliant politicians were elected to the HB city council. He was also the driving force to stop the election of Erik Peterson and Ron Sterud in 2018, spending $400k on deceptive robocalls and mailers. Sergeant Nikitin also cost the taxpayers $2 million in a lawsuit for harassing a gay police officer.
Last seen sitting next to HB's former planning director Ursula Luna-Reynosa at the Coastal Commission hearing on the Magnolia Tank Farm. Development consultant Ed Mountford was in attendance at last Monday's Bolsa Chica Senior Living Center sales meeting. Mr. Mountford is the consultant to the developer proposing the OVERSIZED MONSTROSITY at Bolsa Chica and Warner, regularly meeting with HB staff to push this project forward. Did Mr. Mountford receive a Key to the City to signify Mayor Strickland's support for this terrible project?
The Chamber of Commerce held a "State of the City" meeting November 30th, look who was a paid sponsor...the Bolsa Chica Senior Living Center !!
Worth noting, the Bolsa Chica Senior Living Center has only come before city council for approval because it does not comply with our General Plan. They are asking for a "specific plan" (think spot-zoning)", more density, more did it get this far? How long has the Mayor been colluding with the consultant and developer? The mayor talked a good story during the election. Was it a lie? Was it political gamesmanship?
You decide. And remember, CA has been losing population for over a decade, 800k just this last year...there is no "Housing Crisis", all of this forced housing is meant to change CA's demographics, boost property tax payments and payback developer donations. No matter what group they say the housing is for..Seniors, Veterans or Homeless, the Housing Crisis is fiction !!